Improving the riding experience for women

Women Riders Council

The Women Riders Council was established in November 2007 by the MCC Board to focus specifically on the interests of women motorcyclists. A steering committee consisting of members from across Canada was formed and they established a mandate to promote and celebrate women motorcycle riders in Canada.

Hélène Boyer

Chair, QuebecHélène started riding a motorcycle in 1998, realizing a childhood dream! A journalist and communicator for the past 30 years, she has been actively involved in the motorcycle world. Helene served as president of the Association des femmes motocyclistes du Québec (AFMQ) to involve more women in the sport. Hélène had a weekly motorcycle column in the Journal de Montréal, which was the first ever published in a daily newspaper by a woman. She also co-wrote the book Le Québec à moto.

Elizabeth Beeler

Ontario Elizabeth has been riding since 2014, and she joined the WRC in 2016. She rides close to home and travels through New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire yearly. She helped found a women’s riding group in Ottawa in 2013 and served as director for the first year. She strongly believes in supporting her fellow riders by offering assistance, guidance, and sharing knowledge.

Sue Bools

Ontario Sue lives in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, and joined the WRC in 2016. She has been a rider since 2002 and has put about 250,000 km on several motorcycles in that period.  Sue loves to ride long distances and has ridden to Newfoundland and the Yukon, and in every state except Alabama. Sue is proud to be the Motor Maids Inc. district director for Ontario and Quebec, the oldest continuously operating women’s riding group in North America.

Hollie Tataryn

British Columbia Hollie got her motorcycle license in 2015 and has been in love with riding ever since. She joined the WRC in 2017. Hollie has learned that, whether riding alone or with others, the time she spends on the road alone in her helmet, being completely focused and at the moment, is her own personal Zen time. Hollie feels that riding has given her confidence, a sense of excitement, and an inner strength like nothing else. She is actively sharing her love of riding with other women interested in motorcycles, offering information and encouragement.

Angela Thompson

Nova Scotia –  Angela was appointed to the WRC in 2016. She is a road rider but also practices off-roading on her new property. She recently relocated from Newfoundland where she was a member of the Chrome Angels riding group and served on its executive. She just co-founded and is the national president of the Women’s International Motorcycle Association.

Judy van Leeuwen

British ColumbiaJudy has been riding for almost 30 years. She started riding dirt bikes, then added dual sport bikes and adventure bikes. Judy joined the WRC in 2012 and has been a member of DualSport BC for 13 years. She is also an 11-year member of the Greater Vancouver Motorcycle Club where she served as sergeant-of-arms, vice president, and trustee. Judy is very passionate about her sport and believes in safe, sustainable off-road riding. She is currently working with others to keep off-road riding areas open and accessible to all.

Robin Weber

Northwest Territories Robin started riding her first bike in 1998 and joined the WRC in 2018.  She enjoys the long summer days of riding in the north as well as adventures further away when time permits.  She’s been involved with many groups and events (including the annual Midnight Sun Show & Shine & Ride) over the years and particularly enjoys mentoring and introducing women to the freedom and empowerment of motorcycling.

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