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May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month | Let’s Watch Out For Each Other
Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada

Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC) Media Release, April 28 2022

FOREST, ON – April 28 2022: 

Watch Out For Each Other returns as the theme for May’s Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, promoted by the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC).

“Our goal is to remind everyone that motorcycles are back on our roads and trails in full force, and that we all have a responsibility to help keep each other safe,” says Chris Bourque, MCC Board Chair. “We always want everyone to be safe. Each Spring we take this opportunity to encourage safe riding habits among all motorcyclists and safe driving habits among all road users.”

Interest in motorcycling has increased significantly over the past two years. Sales of all types of motorcycles went up by 8.45% in 2021. Street bike sales were up an amazing 18.1% last year, following an even larger jump in 2020, when lockdowns fueled sales for what could be considered the ultimate “socially distanced” form of travel and recreation.

All those new motorcycles mean that there are a lot of new and returning riders out there. “The young and young at heart riders are a primary target for safety messaging this year,” says Bourque. “Whether you’re joining the sport for the first time or coming back to riding after an extended time away from it, we want riders to be aware of all the things they can do to increase their safety.”

This includes a few basics: Get training. Practice your skills. Develop safe riding habits. Ride within your skill limits and according to conditions. These are the best ways to ensure you can safely enjoy all the pleasures of riding. There are a number of excellent resources available to riders, many of which can be found on the MCC website ( Locate basic and advanced training from schools and certified instructors. Take time to familiarize yourself with your machine. 

If you haven’t been out riding for a while, reach out to an experienced motorcyclist and soak up their advice and tips. Experienced riders are typically generous with their knowledge, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. They may remind you that in early Spring there is often gravel and debris on the roads left over from Winter, and that can make cornering, braking, and stopping safely more difficult. And there’s ATGATT – All The Gear All The Time. Wearing the right safety gear and appropriate clothing is a must for all riders.

In conjunction with Watch Out For Each Other, this year’s campaign features faces of motorcyclists to reinforce the fact that when you see a motorcycle, either on the road or on the trail, you are actually seeing a person. Bourque adds, “Under that helmet, behind that visor, is a person. A motorcyclist. A friend you haven’t met yet. Let’s all Watch Out For Each Other.”

The Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month campaign is primarily shared through social media platforms of clubs and organizations across Canada, and by supportive media outlets in print and online. This year there are new tools to make it easy for individuals, companies and organizations to show and share their support. Filters, frames, and stickers that contain short messages and branding for the campaign are available on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. They can be added to profile photos or a favourite photo of your bike, and posted to show your support for motorcycle safety. By using these tools, you’re also reminding your friends, family and followers to do the same. With the help of the riding community, we hope to reach as many people as possible through this grassroots effort.

Watch Out! Tips for better riding and driving

Motorists are reminded to Watch Out for motorcycles on the road. May is the start of peak riding season and there are more motorcycles on our city streets, country roads, and highways. Take that second look to better judge the speed and distance of a motorcyclist in your vicinity. Always check your mirrors and blind spots, especially before turning or changing lanes. Allow extra room to avoid cutting off a motorcyclist and allow extra space when driving behind a motorcyclist. 

Let’s all Watch Out For Each Other all season long.

About the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada

The Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC) is the voice of motorcycling in Canada. Our purpose is to create a better riding experience for all Canadians and to make Canada one of the safest countries in the world to ride a motorcycle.

Motorcycling is a vital part of our Canadian experience and an important form of transportation and recreation. Today, there are over one million motorcyclists riding on and off-road motorcycles across Canada. We are here “So You Can Ride”.

For more information: For facts about motorcycling in Canada visit:

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