Honouring Canadian Motorcycle Legends

Did you know that over 100 distinguished motorcyclists and organizations have been inducted into the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame since 2006? The Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame recognizes the pioneers, contributors, competitors, and organizations that have played an influential role in...

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Don’t turn “May” into Mayhem

With warmer weather and clear roads on the way, Motorcycle Awareness Month in May is a time for motorists and motorcyclists to be aware of one another and stay safe, says the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada. “Motorcyclists will be out in force as the weather gets warmer, which makes May the...

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MCC sets 4 Priorities for 2015

The Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC) held their annual face to face Board Meeting in Edmonton, Alberta on September 26th. With nine Board members in attendance, the MCC Board had an incredibly productive all-day session. At the meeting, the Board identified 4 key priorities to focus on...

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