Don’t turn “May” into Mayhem

by May 4, 2015

Don’t turn “May” into Mayhem

by May 4, 2015

With warmer weather and clear roads on the way, Motorcycle Awareness Month in May is a time for motorists and motorcyclists to be aware of one another and stay safe, says the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada.

“Motorcyclists will be out in force as the weather gets warmer, which makes May the perfect month for Motorcycle Awareness,” says Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport. “All motorists are reminded to safely share the road with motorcycles to help keep our roads safe.”

Kellee Irwin, Chair of the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada says “promoting the safety of motorcyclists to all drivers and vehicles on the road is the top priority for the month of May.”

More than 670,000 licenced motorcycles and scooters are back on the roads each spring across Canada with over 52,000 new street-legal and off-road motorcycles sold each year.

“More and more Canadians are discovering motorcycling as a safe, convenient and affordable mode of transportation, says Irwin. Our goal is to educate all motorists on one another to keep the roads crash-free.”

Irwin says safety campaigns such as Motorcycle Awareness Month play a big role in ensuring this trend continues. To ensure a safe riding season, the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada offers these tips for motorcyclists and other drivers:

Tips for Motorists

  • Keep a safe distance when following a motorcycle – at least two seconds
  • Motorcyclists use a full lane – treat them like all other vehicles
  • Check mirrors and blind spots frequently – motorcycles can be hidden entirely in your blind spot
  • Pay special attention at intersections where almost 50% of motorcycle collisions occur

Tips for Motorcyclists

  • Keep a safe distance around you and maintain proper lane position
  • Check your mirrors and blind spots frequently
  • Be extra alert at intersections
  • Be seen! Wear bright colours and reflective clothing, and ride with your lights on
  • Be safe! Always wear an approved motorcycle helmet and protective gear
  • Ride at your own comfort level, be aware of wildlife and road conditions



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