Recreational Motorcycling Boosts Canadian Economy by $2.68 Billion Annually

by Sep 21, 2015

Recreational Motorcycling Boosts Canadian Economy by $2.68 Billion Annually

by Sep 21, 2015

The Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC) released a major study into the impact of recreational motorcycling on the Canadian economy today.

“This is the most comprehensive look at motorcycling in Canada that has ever been undertaken,” said MCC Chair, Kellee Irwin. “It confirms what those of us in the business have known for a very long time – motorcycling is not only a fun and convenient form of recreational activity, it’s big business too.”

The study conducted by Smith Gunther Associates Ltd. identified strong performance on several key indicators including:

  • Overall economic impact from direct and indirect recreational motorcycling expenditures was $2.68 billion in 2014.
  • In 2014, direct expenditures alone on recreational motorcycling were $1.89 billion.
  • Motorcyclists contributed $332 million to all three levels of government in the form of taxes on goods and services.
  • At least 17,500 Canadians are currently employed in motorcycling-dependent jobs.
  • Recreational motorcyclists raised and made $13.2 million in charitable donations in 2014.
  • 708,700 people participate in recreational motorcycling in Canada.

Using widely accepted projection methodologies the study also forecast that the annual direct and indirect economic impact of recreational motorcycling will climb to $4 billion annually by 2040 with motorcycling-dependent jobs reaching as many as 23,100 people.

“The information in this report will be invaluable as we work with our federations, local clubs, industry and government partners to capitalize on the opportunity that recreational motorcycling represents,” said Irwin. “The best days of motorcycling are still ahead.”

The Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC) is the national not-for-profit advocacy organization for the promotion of motorcycling safety and interests.

View full news release

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